Notes & checkins

RT @TomALloyd: Shame that such a promising talk has turned into a sales pitch for Windows. Not very endearing to Microsoft / @andspo #we …

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RT @ubelly: Tone of voice: We all speak with our own personality, so that should be reflected in your app/brand/site/whatever #webdevconf

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Isn’t an alarm supposed to be irritating? Context? #webdevconf

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RT @iamkeir: #Microsoft has arrived - must… keep… open… mind! #webdevconf

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Love @sydlawrence’s approach to playing around to learn about technology and its uses. You never know you could even make some money.

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RT @alexkwatson: “Play keeps our passions alive in the work space” so true! #webdevconf

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What are people doing for lunch? #webdevconf

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Should we be encouraging different personas online? #webdevconf

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Do people really represent themselves in a completely different persona from site to site? #webdevconf

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Great talk from @iamkeir on why the WWW should’ve called the Wild Wild Web. Funny & thought provoking. #thechangingweb #webdevconf

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In a nutshell. Stop throwing plugins into your site without understanding a little ,about them.

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