Notes & checkins

@DesignersMX Is there anyway to filter our own remixes, as the remix list gets longer is going to be difficult to navigate?

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RT @christianmunthe: Newborn baby gorilla at Melbourne Zoo gets a checkup at the hospital and reacts to the coldness of the stethoscope …

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RT @TeamGB: What a night, what day, we said it was #SuperSaturday 6 Golds in the day! A truly astonishing achievement RT for all of our …

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Extremely proud to be British, excellent athletes from @TeamGB #OurGeatestTeam

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@backblaze the latest Mac Client also seems to backup everything on an external drive even if the folders are in an exclusion list :(

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@backblaze my account overview file count / file size seem to be different to the files available to restore, any reason?

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